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Friday 5 June 2015


It is amazing how one is able to depict ideas artistically, this is what i appreciate as a creative being. The images below serve as evidence of intellectual growth. The work displayed here are all under-construction.

On the left is a range of different components that can be added together to have a different piece entirely. Just to illustrate what I'm referring to, the piece below is a set of earrings which can be converted into a double brooch and further removed to create earrings and a horn ring. 
 On the left is a back-view of the piece: a piece of jewelry has to look appealing from all angles. This is critical design, this is a true resemblance of the life we lead. this project is about making the invisible visible. The bottom piece on the earrings can be removed and function as stand alone earrings, as illustrated by the image below. 


The two pieces above will be attached under the earrings to create a snap. my intent with this project is to try by all means to add the engineering components and still be able to hide all the mechanism so the viewer can appreciate the aesthetic without being drawn to the mechanical side of the work. 
the double ring separated. 
Earrings added to a ring shank to create a horn ring.
top view of the piece
possible ring
adding on to my collection with a double ring.

An illustration of a horn ring
In order for this project to be a success, all the snap components must be standard. My mathematics skills will be called upon. The project that i'm currently working on indicates that as a jewelry designer maker, you have to posses a number a skills in order to successfully complete projects.

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