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Friday 29 May 2015

Contemporary multi-functional jewelry: A perspective of single 
I have tasked myself in addressing some of the challenges that women face, this will be achieved through jewels. The jewels reflects a marriage between art and industry; art been the ornament on the work and industry been the mechanical components that makes the jewels to transform. The mechanical components form a vital part of the jewels, but they can be hidden and this demonstrates true reality. 

Women are the backbone of society, but what they do is mostly not recognized. For instance domestic activities are not seen as work, therefore are unaccounted for. Hence my task as a contemporary jewelry-designer-maker is to share the intangible issues that exist in reality.

 The jewels not only offer the aesthetic but also offer the client the opportunity to participate in the work of art: participation is required in order to discover hidden meaning and magic. It is through art that reality could make its true entrance, by portraying reality through art. The jewels below illustrate the power of art...

This ring forms a part of  12 in 1 piece that i will complete by end of October. technique-piercing, engraving and stone setting..

The ring disassembled. 

Brooch under construction, it resembles an orchid flower

hidden mechanical components

 mechanical components shown on the side.
neck-piece assembled -under construction.

A brooch.

Friday 17 April 2015

After months of trying to contextualize my ideas, everything is starting come together now. there is always light at the end of the tunnel, mine is shining very bright and soon the public witness what i'm referring to. it's like beginning any other journey, at first you might struggle a bit but once you
 cross that line of trying to figure out what your trying to show, it's done.

I'm hoping that at the end of the year, the public will come and witness wearable art taken to the next level in the name of all single mothers. despite all the challenges that they face but continue to support their families and the contribution to the economy of this country.
purple orchid
purple orchid


This lovely purple orchids will be used in my designs.

Friday 20 March 2015